A legal management model towards sustainable development: an approach in Iranian green construction, (2021), Environment, Development and Sustainability, Springer

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A legal management model towards sustainable development: an approach in Iranian green construction, (2021), Environment, Development and Sustainability, Springer


A legal management model towards sustainable development: an approach in Iranian green construction

Environment, Development and Sustainability (2021)Cite this article


The modern world has given rise to a new phenomenon known as ‘divergence of sciences’, meaning that various scientific activities occasionally affect a particular matter in different and sometimes contradictory ways. Considering this phenomenon, this paper discusses the relationships between the mutual interplay of legal, managerial, and engineering activities pertaining to the sustainable development of green buildings and has designed and explained a legal management model with an approach to green buildings in Iran as its main contribution. For this purpose, the qualitative research method was adopted, which entailed interviewing subject experts through the snowball research method, in combination with the quantitative method. The necessary requirements and identified indicators including, General Practical Approaches, Engineering, Managerial and Legal Indicators (EI, MI, LI), presented in this study, can significantly help coordinate the aggregate force of the three disciplines, and the main priorities set to achieve the comprehensive sustainable development goals (SDGs). According to the analyses of fifty-one identified indicators and their influence in four different fields on the SDGs, the study underscored the theory that even in the engineering world there is not a significant difference between these four fields in terms of implementing the SDGs.

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فقط روز های زوج ساعت 4 تا 7 با هماهنگی قبلی
تهران، خیابان ظفر، خیابان آرش شرقی، نبش خیابان عمرانی، پلاک 61، ساختمان آرش، طبقه دوم، واحد 4. تماس: 22220230

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